
Opbeat Joined Node.js Foundation - Node.js in the Enterprise

Q&A with Opbeat: Why The Company Joined the Foundation, Opbeat for Node.js, & Node.js in the Enterprise?

Q: In your own words, tell us a little bit more about what Opbeat does? It’s fairly new, why did you start the company?
Opbeat provides performance insights for JavaScript developers into how their code is performing. We empower developers to fix issues with their applications quickly and painlessly. We work server-side for Node.js or client-side for AngularJS, React and plain JavaScript. Using our performance insights, we help companies optimize their applications.
We see ourselves as a next-generation application performance management company — specifically built for JavaScript applications. The growing DevOps practice has changed what’s required of performance management tooling. The rise of the microservices development paradigm also means more releases are issued every single day and it’s easy to revert back for quick fixes on smaller releases.
Developers find themselves in charge of monitoring code in production, which requires a new way to assess performance. From day one, we’ve focused on architectures comprised of smaller, modular services and aligned closely with developers. We understand that it’s critical to map performance to production and arm those who write and ship applications with performance metrics to fix them.

Q: Why did you join the Node.js Foundation? How does that align with Opbeat’s objectives/common goal?
The Foundation works closely with developers, the audience we focus on, so we’re excited to help support their efforts to provide more training, education and on ramping opportunities for the Node.js community. We’re also seeing massive interest in Opbeat within the Node community. From larger organizations to smaller start-ups, the Node programming language is interesting to a broad spectrum of users. As a program language, Node.js is completely validated with large-scale applications. In fact, our users are not experiencing critical performance issues. Even with applications at massive-scale Node.js is running well, however, companies still need to optimize applications and eliminate manual errors and drags on code.

Q: What are some of the biggest positives for Node.js technology since Node.js Foundation was formed?
Node.js is everywhere today and the members involved in the Foundation represent the breadth of the community today. The Foundation is comprehensive in its mission to advance both the entire Node.js ecosystem and meet the needs of the community at the same time. As an open, neutral meeting ground, Opbeat believes the Foundation’s work helps protect this healthy balance.

Q: You just launched your Node.js integration out of beta? How has it fared so far?
It’s doing incredibly well. CTOs need more Node.js developers who are armed with performance insights. As a developer, it’s still far too complicated to see how your code is performing in production. We provide a simple visualization of how the application spends its time and we then map that performance information to the developer(s) who actually wrote the code.
The shift to DevOps means developers who write and deploy code are also held accountable for how applications perform in production. We designed our product specifically for developers to make monitoring as easy as possible along with actionable insights on how to fix performance issues.

Q: How is Opbeat contributing to Node.js?
We contribute to open source projects, host meetups and do talks. There’s a ton of good stuff on our blog.
We also look forward to participating in Foundation events and activities where we can educate Node.js developers on how to improve performance monitoring in today’s web-scale and microservices-oriented environments.

Q: Why do you think Node.js is important to the developer community? What about enterprises? Are you seeing an uptick of enterprise companies interested in Opbeat?
Absolutely. Slow development cycles, large releases and monolith applications are keeping enterprises from moving fast, so the shift to Node.js and microservice infrastructure is an attractive competitive advantage. This trend seems to be only accelerating in the enterprise as Node.js has matured.
Reposted From : Medium.Com@Nodejs
Opbeat Joined Node.js Foundation - Node.js in the Enterprise Reviewed by Unknown on 14:26:00 Rating: 5

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